21 years ago, Kevin O’Leary, better known today as “Mr. Wonderful” of Shark Tank, contacted me in Minneapolis saying I was to appear in Boston the next morning. I asked… read more →
Ueng urges graduates to embrace ‘the mountains of life, business and beyond’ Grace W. Ueng, founder and CEO of Savvy Growth, encouraged students receiving master’s degrees in business administration… read more →
by Grace Ueng, Savvy Growth I was looking forward to presenting my Happiness talk to the Harvard Club. It was fitting as my work was informed by the most popular Harvard… read more →
Top 7 Take Aways – Harvard Happiness Course by Tal Ben-Shahar(Includes links to the 22 Harvard lectures) Why Study Happiness? Dr. Barbara Fredrickson’s Positive Psychology CourseKenan Distinguished Professor of Psychology… read more →
I wasn’t sure if it was a compliment or not when the wife of the CEO of a publicly traded company, where I have served as an executive coach exclaimed,… read more →