by Grace Ueng, Savvy Growth Five years ago, as I was in the midst of my one year study of Positive Psychology, I had the chance to interview Patti Pao, the energetic… read more →
by Grace Ueng, Savvy Growth Five years ago, as I was in the midst of my one year study of Positive Psychology, I had the chance to interview Patti Pao, the energetic… read more →
By Grace Ueng, CEO Savvy Growth In my entrepreneurial travels over the last two decades, I have seen that speaking of the future as being reality today is a necessary trait for… read more →
by Grace W. Ueng, CEO Savvy Growth Eight years ago, my client and friend Ping Fu invited me to dinner at her home with Simon Sinek. Simon was speaking the next day… read more →
by Grace W. Ueng When I met Paige Nielsen, former captain of UNC women’s soccer team and current professional player, and told her about my Project Peak and positive psychology… read more →
Ueng urges graduates to embrace ‘the mountains of life, business and beyond’ Grace W. Ueng, founder and CEO of Savvy Growth, encouraged students receiving master’s degrees in business administration… read more →
by Grace Ueng, CEO Savvy Growth I rarely miss my heated Vinyasa Monday night yoga as this hour provides a vital start to each week, preparing me to do my best work.… read more →
By Grace Ueng, CEO Savvy Growth In this year of the Rooster, I look forward to sharing stories and lessons from my research, interviews, and my Positive Psychology journey which I’ve named… read more →
By Grace Ueng, Savvy Growth After literally going downhill at age 40 in a life changing cycling accident, Grace under Pressure, Inc. Magazine: CEO Passions, I came to realize that everyone has had their… read more →
Top 7 Take Aways – Harvard Happiness Course by Tal Ben-Shahar(Includes links to the 22 Harvard lectures) Why Study Happiness? Dr. Barbara Fredrickson’s Positive Psychology CourseKenan Distinguished Professor of Psychology… read more →