21 years ago, Kevin O’Leary, better known today as “Mr. Wonderful” of Shark Tank, contacted me in Minneapolis saying I was to appear in Boston the next morning. I asked… read more →
West Meets East | East Meets West $3B to $50B Global Co < 10 years. by Grace Ueng, Savvy Growth An advisor to NC Chinese Business Association, I was asked… read more →
Top 7 Take Aways – Harvard Happiness Course by Tal Ben-Shahar(Includes links to the 22 Harvard lectures) Why Study Happiness? Dr. Barbara Fredrickson’s Positive Psychology CourseKenan Distinguished Professor of Psychology… read more →
I wasn’t sure if it was a compliment or not when the wife of the CEO of a publicly traded company, where I have served as an executive coach exclaimed,… read more →