Aiming for the top? CEOs offer advice
Takeways from article published in The News & Observer.
By Grace W. Ueng, CEO of Savvy Growth
Become an Effective CEO
- Hone the life skill of learning how to learn. Plug away with on-the-job training. Seek life-long learning.
- Find mentors from those who want to see you grow and find opportunities to watch CEOs in action.
- No one is prepared to be a CEO. Remember you have to be a CEO to be prepared to be a CEO.
Traits of an effective CEO
- Focus on the long term while balancing short-term priorities.
- Know where the big rocks are – think big about your opportunity.
- While execution is key, don’t get lost in the tactics.
- Set the culture and espouse the vision for company.
- Know your blind spots and hire to compensate.
- Set direction and then empower others to run with it.
- Harness creativity from staff by motivating enthusiasm and hire those who add to the team.
- Retain genuine enthusiasm for customers and a strong customer focus.
- Embrace failure and focus on learning new things.
- Communicate clearly and concisely to external constituencies.
Motivational speaker, executive coach, and consultant, Grace Ueng is CEO of Savvy Growth She can be reached at
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